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03/08/2005 Executive News

Executive News

Please read and apply. Thanks.
----- Forwarded by Bob Schwartz/MTAS/UTK on 03/08/2005 03:36 PM -----

Mary Taylor/IPS/UTK

03/03/2005 08:27 AM

Mike Garland/CTAS/UTK@IPS, T.C. Parsons/CIS/UTK@IPS, Bob Schwartz/MTAS/UTK@IPS, Mike Sullivan/IPS/UTK@IPS
Business dress

I've had a number of questions and conversations recently about appropriate office dress. I hope this will resolve the issue without me having to take further action. Remember we only have one chance to make a good first impression with our new VP.

I don't want to have a written dress code if we can avoid it. I'm always hopeful that people will use common sense. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to determine if people have common sense before we hire them! I expect all staff to dress appropriately every day (we have never officially acknowledged "casual Friday" on campus - it's a regular work day here). Appropriate dress should be determined by the type of activity for the day. If it's a "normal" office day, then regular business attire should apply. If staff are in meeting with customers, they should dress appropriately for that. If they are moving/hauling, they should dress appropriately for that. There are very few circumstances where denim would ever be appropriate in the work place. I hope this will take care of the issue.

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