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03/08/2004 Executive News

Executive News

WELCOME - Yana Truman started today as Administrative Support Assistant I working the front desk in Knoxville. You won't notice much a change since Yana has been helping us through the UT temporary help pool for several months. But now she's officially part of MTAS.

Two new programs - started last Thursday. The Municipal Management Academy in Dyersburg and the citizens academy in Franklin. As busy as our training team is these days it's not that unusual to start two on the same day. What was unusual was David and Jim taught the morning session in Dyersburg and then drove the 164 miles to Franklin to join Margaret to teach the evening session. THANKS.

5BA.gif UT Compensation Study - I want to give a special thanks to Mike and Pat for adding this huge project to their work load. They had help from several other consultants but they ended up working 12 and 14 hour days to complete it. They interviewed UT employees all over the state along with practically everyone at UT involved with our compensation system.

New web site - has been redesigned and renovated. The new version was launched February 26. Frances and Lisa worked hard to get it in shape and they will continue to make revisions as necessary. The new web site includes MOLLY giving all cities access to our library catalog. And we've already had a city official request a publication online!

Library surveys - February was a busy month for surveys!
1) Police Officer Salaries - A survey for The City of Vonore requested by Mike Tallent, completed 2/12/04 = 3.5 Hours

2) Percentage of Property Taxes Collected - A survey for The City of Knoxville, Requested by Doti Martin, Director of Revenue, completed 2/18/04 = 17.0 Hours

3) Facilities Maintenance - A survey requested by David Austin, Facilities Maintenance Manager, for the City of Kingsport, began 2/5/04 = 7.0 hours (target date for completion 3/2/04)

4) Wastewater Benchmarks - A survey requested by Dan Wankel, Environmental Services Engineer for The City of Kingsport, began 2/1//04 = 7.0 hours (target date for completion 3/5/04)

5) Parks and Recreation Funding and Staffing - A survey requested by Joel Johnson, Mayor’s Office in The City of Smyrna, began 2/20/04 = 1.0 hour (target date for completion 3/5/04)

6) GASB 34 Reporting Model Requirements - A survey requested by Dick Phebus began 2/27/04 = 1.0 hour (target date for completion 3/5/04)

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