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03/06/1995 Executive News

Executive News

Schedule Change <>The dates for the IPS annual conference have been changed to September 14 & 15. It will still be in Gatlinburg at the Holiday Inn. (The old dates of September 28 & 29 conflicted with the TCSA convention.)

Library Highlights <>Here are a few library highlights for calendar year 1994 Carol prepared to let you know what they have been up to. Your library responded to over 1,000 reference queries, circulated over 5,400 items to MTAS staff, cataloged almost 1,500 new items for the library collection, made over 1,600 changes in the Municipal Official Database, and sent out over 16,000 MTAS publications!

Police Consultant <>We have hired Captain Rex Barton of the Athens Police Department to serve as police consultant in the position funded by the TML Pool. He will start on April 10, 1995.

Computer Systems Specialist <>We have held the interviews and are working through the selection process for the position to replace BarbaraB. We hope to have a selection by the end of this week.

Management Consultant <>We are taking applications now and will interview for this position in April.

Notes Update <>Your notes committee (Bob, Sally, JimF, and Carol) continues to meet weekly to plan the installation. We will have Notes on everyone's desk by March 31! We will convert project tracking to Notes on July 1, 1995. We will have several major applications ready to be used in March; most of the rest of our major applications will be ready by July. We recently met with the MTAS advisory committees to ask them what their interest would be in our databases. They came up with quite a list!

We started the discussion with several ideas we had. These included: the Municipal Handbook, the Directory, Legal Opinions, Job Descriptions, Discussion, and the Events/Training Calendar. Each committee gave us a lot more to think about.

East - Monthly report on completed MTAS products, List of MTAS projects-in-progress, Publish survey results, Salary Survey, Bulletin Board/Discussion Databases, Tech Transfer Innovations ORNL work, Legislative/ordinance issues, Tie in to TN Legislature's own legislative tracking system, All MTAS publications, USCM/NLC Documents, Model Personnel Policies, ICMA Publications, Index to ICMA Publications

Middle - Salary surveys & Class/Comp info, BBSs functions, Model codes, Sample ordinances, Utility Rates, Electronic Survey Tools, LOGIN interface, Calendar of events, All publications, State contracts/bid lists, Orientation/Training programs for new city officials, Surplus Equipment Exchange city-to-city, Current Bid Data, Shared personnel exchange, City Manager contracts

West - Job Descriptions, Transmit info to MTAS, Interaction between cities using subject-specific databases, TML Legislative Tracking program: including full text of legislation, Electronic TT&C, Municipal statistics database, hooked to Directory of Municipal Officials, Census data, Utility Rates, Property and Sales Tax Rates, Sample Ordinances, Access to library holdings, Special surveys, All publications, NLC/ICMA indexes, GFOA, APWA, etc. access/index

Clearly, we have our work cut out for us. The comment I remember the best was that of Doug Bishop, city manager of Springfield, who said we had already showed him enough so that he was ready to connect immediately. He saw no reason to wait until January, 1996, as we have planned! We'll take that to heart and work to make this available as soon as possible.

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