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03/05/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Happy Monday MTAS,

Yes, it’s another Monday – the first day of a week full of potential. Please remember that we “spring forward” this weekend and advance our clocks one hour Saturday night.

I’d like to start my week off by making a correction to last week’s Mustard. I misspelled Dawn’s last name when I was celebrating her two years with the agency. As many of you know, one of my mottos is: It’s not a mistake if you learn from it. Well, I learned from it! Please accept my apologies Dawn.

While on the topic of learning from errors, here is a quote from the book Celebrating Failures by Ralph Heath that resonated with me when I read the book in Leadership Academy. “Sadly, the people who refuse to improve upon their past efforts are condemned to live their lives in mediocrity.” p. 116. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not content with mediocrity, so I celebrate this failure and move on with improved behavior.

So with that, I will try to do better with this week’s celebratory announcements. Happy work anniversary to four MTAS employees with the same hire date of March first: Al, Pat, David and Kay. These four have a combined 88 years of MTAS experience. Wow!!

Today is the final day for the UT Family Giving Campaign. I am really hoping that MTAS will have a 100% participation rate. If you are a procrastinator, then your time is about up, so go ahead and click on this link to take part:
. Thank you to everyone who has already clicked the link and made a contribution to one of the many worthy funds. Every donation matters!

Lastly, one of the images I copied from last week’s announcement on our enhanced social media presence did not paste properly. So, if you’ll let me try again, please see below and consider adding this image to your signature line on your outgoing emails. I’ve attached the JPEG file. If you need a refresher on how to amend your signature line, then here you go:

1.Click File > Options > Mail > Signatures .
2.Click the signature you want to edit, and then make your changes in the Edit signature box.


I hope you have a stellar week ahead.

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