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03/05/1996 Executive News

Executive News

Travel Reimbursement - The University has changed its requirement that all travel be submitted in 30 days to one that all travel be submitted in 45 days. That gives us a little breathing room. At MTAS, our goal remains for you to submit your travel reimbursement within 30 days. That will help us know where we are on our budget and help us all remember the details. Thanks.

E-mail of Commendation - We often get thank you letters. Here is the first E-mail thank you we have received. David Bradshaw is Vice Mayor in Oak Ridge and Joe is helping them with the city manager selection process.

From: David Bradshaw <>
To: Muscatello, Joseph <>
Date: 2/28/96 10:30pm
Subject: Thanks


MTAS in general, and you in particular, are doing a super job guiding the OR City Council through our search for a City Manager. I honestly do not think we could have procured any better service through the traditional "search firm" method. I feel comfortable that the City of Oak Ridge will find a superior choice for this very important position.

Keep up the good work.

David (2/28)

Bingham Consultantcy - We continue to receive contributions for the Bingham Consultancy. Our pledges are just over $530,000 and our cash received is $174,050. AND this does not include the $10,000 that TMAA (the attorneys) is rumored to have committed.

Travel Itinerary Database - We are about to start using a new database. JimF is finished developing the "MTAS Travel Itinerary" Database . We will use it to replace the phone calls and E-mail you send to Judy with your travel plans each week. Jim will send out instructions on how to use it in the next week or so.

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