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02/26/2008 Executive News

Executive News

As of February 21,2008 we have hired three new finance and accounting consultants. The consultants, their office or duty station and their start dates are:

Kay Stegall , Martin Office, March 1, 2008
Since 1995 Kay has been employed by Alexander, Thompson and Arnold Accounting firm in West Tennessee. She is a CPA and has served as their Senior Manager responsible for the management and training of the firm's staff in governmental auditing and financial reporting. Prior to that she worked for Metro-Nashville and the Division of State Audit in the Comptroller's Office.

Gail Cook, Knoxville Office, March 1, 2008
Since 1999, Gail has been employed by Anderson County as their Director of Accounts and Budgets. She is also a CPA and in her position for Anderson County she was responsible for all finance, accounting and budgeting activities. Prior to her position with Anderson County, Gail had an extensive work history in the private sector.

William Haston, Nashville Office, March 17, 2008
William's recent work experience has been in the private sector, but prior to the end of 2001, he served as the Assistant City Manager/Budget Officer for the City of Kingsport and the City Recorder for the Town of Jonesborough for a period of 16 years.

MTAS is very fortunate to be employing three quality individuals who will tremendously enhance our ability to serve Tennessee cities. It is through the funding of the Certified Municipal Finance Officer program that we are able to add these three new positions. We are very fortunate to have a good working relationship with the Comptroller's Office and to have their confidence in developing and delivering this curriculum.

In other news related to accounting and certifications, Janet Kelly has requested to step back to 50% time effective March 1, 2008. As a result, responsibility for the benchmarking program has been transferred to Al Major and Randy Gustafson and Janet will focus all of her energies on the development of curriculum for the CMFO.

Capital Needs -- We are in the process of putting together the budget for next year and if you have any capital needs please convey those to your respective supervisor.

One final bit of news is the completion of our library renovations. Electronic shelves are up and operating (you would not believe how much they hold) and new cubes are up and occupied. Hats off to Frances for managing this process and doing a superb job.

As always thanks for what you do and let me know if you have questions or suggestions, the door is always open.

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