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02/25/2017 Executive News

Executive News

· Yes, yes! I know! It’s Saturday

· Next week is a week for “goodbyes” at MTAS. Well, sort of.
o Sandy joined MTAS in February of 1987 and she bids us farewell at close of business this coming Tuesday, February 28 th . She has served us well…both her fellow MTASers and our customers…over these years and we’ll miss seeing her amongst us every day. But Sandy, don’t become a stranger. Enjoy your retirement and we wish you only the best.
o Becky joined MTAS in 2001 and her retirement becomes effective on March 6 th . She has served us all very well also…always there to help us find just what we needed to more effectively respond to questions posed by our customers. Her research has more recently helped us better understand how elected officials learn the skills they need. Becky, thank you for your 17 years. We’ll miss seeing you every day and hope you’ll always be a part of the MTAS family. Best of luck to you!
o Patrick joined the MTAS training team in November of 2014 but he’s moving on this coming week. Patrick will join Macel at the Naifeh Center beginning Wednesday. Patrick, even though you’ve been with us a short time, your impact on all of us and our customers has been remarkable. Thanks for all you’ve done and we wish you only the best in the future.

· Last week, I wrote a little bit about the IPS strategic plan and identified some of us in MTAS that are actively working towards implementation of some of the plan’s micro-goals. Earlier this week, we got a message from Herb about the plan. Among other things, he mentioned how this work was going and that others in IPS would be called upon to help with work on the goals implementation. We all have been part of the planning process in some way since the work started almost a year ago. My expectation is that we continue to be engaged and that when our help is needed by someone on the implementation teams, we’ll continue being engaged and pitch in when asked.

· We got a message from John Grubbs earlier this week about the 2017 IPS Conference planning committee’s work. Don’t know about you, but the program committees for the past couple conferences has done an outstanding job. John, the bar has been set high. Your committee has a tall task in front of it. MTASers, help the committee out and get your ideas for programs during the conference to John ASAP.

· Concerning the proposed legislation (HB1180 & SB1325) that would place MTAS for sunset review in 2019, Herb and Anthony Haynes, UT Vice President for Government Relations, met with the sponsors of the legislation this past Tuesday. Both Herb and Anthony called the meeting “good”, saying it provided an opportunity for them to share some vital information with the legislators. The bill has not been scheduled for discussion in the government operations committee of either chamber. Lots of people watching this, so we’ll keep you advised when and if anything transpires on it.

· I hope you have been able to watch President DiPietro’s “State of the University” address. An impressive presentation of the great work that the University is doing throughout Tennessee including IPS and its work.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

· 84 degrees on my front porch late yesterday afternoon. As I type this, it’s 40 degrees! Hard freeze predicted tonight. Go figure!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director

(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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