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02/20/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· A young animal typically associated with the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21 st is called a ___________ __________.

· Am I repeating myself? At my age, probably so. Anyway, Gary Peevley, manager of the Naifeh Center, has informed Herb of his intentions to fully retire. Accordingly, Herb has announced that a search for a Naifeh Center director will commence soon. Paul Jennings, CIS Executive Director, will chair the search. More on this as it develops.

· The third IPS Leadership Academy class is in the home stretch of its experience. Those folks will graduate in September this year. Honna and Rick are participants in the current class. Plans going forward for the Academy is that it will take a year off and the next Academy class will commence in September 2017; however, during the “time out” year, alumni of the first three classes will be asked to participate in reviewing their experience and their input will be used to strengthen the Academy experience for future participants. More on this closer to time.

· It was a sad time when we learned early last Monday that longtime Brentwood finance director Carson Swinford died the day before. Carson served as Brentwood’s director for fifteen years and was recognized as being very expert in all things municipal finance and accounting. On top of that, he was a guy you just enjoyed being around. His willingness to help anybody with anything is a huge part of his legacy. The City lost much more than just its finance director last Sunday.

· I hope everybody took the opportunity to dial in to Dr. DiPietro’s State of the University address last Tuesday. The crowd joining him at Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville was impressive in its size and diversity. I appreciate his pointing out the great things UT provides Tennesseans…and his candor in recognizing the importance we all share in addressing issues and areas where greater progress can and will be made.

· If you saw / heard his address, you heard about the first ever Presidential Awards focusing on UT’s three responsibilities to teach, discover and connect. Attached is a scan of the program for the event…the front cover and the inside back cover. Take a look at them and see if you recognize who the IPS nominee was for the President’s Award for Outreach (connecting). All of the nominees are in quite a special group of UT folks…and I’m really proud of the IPS nominee.

· Visits to and discussion with many of us staffing the IPS display at Legislative Plaza last Wednesday was brisk and frequent. With all the campuses and institutes being very visibly present for UT Day on the Hill, there was little doubt that visitors knew what day it was. OK! Imagine this…our friend Comptroller Justin Wilson parading around the Plaza in his orange and white-striped seersucker suit and orange socks. Hey, I said imagine it…not be traumatized by it.

· Reverend Steve Thomas, pastor of the Belfast Presbyterian Church in his real job, is also a council member in Lewisburg. Steve was a very engaged participant in last November’s LGLP class and he came to Nashville last Tuesday night (at his expense) and showed up early Wednesday morning at the Plaza to help me tell the MTAS story to anybody who stopped by the display. Heck, I got to the point I just stepped back and let him impress the visitors…and what a great job he did! I know I’m preachin’ to the choir, but having one of our customers tell our great story is powerful beyond what any of us can do. Thanks to Steve for his support of MTAS…and to Jeff for introducing me to Steve last year.

· Don’t forget to get with Brett and / or Honna soon to put forward issues you want presented to Herb’s employee feedback group. Those folks will get together on February 29 th (yes, it IS leap year).

· Most of us will be reading this Monday morning since I didn’t get it to you Friday before your work day ended (go ahead. Shoot me). Knoxville office folks will see a new face on Monday and all of us will soon get to meet Dawn McMillen. Dawn is filling the library associate vacancy created when Lyndy left us last fall. Dawn’s career path has provided her with public library services and private sector technical research experiences…and we’re glad she’s chosen to join us. Welcome aboard, Dawn!

· I hope (with emphasis on “hope”) everybody participated in my 360-evaluation survey. If you did, a sincere thanks to you. If you didn’t, give it a try Monday. Hopefully the link will still be alive. I look forward to seeing and working to understand the information gleaned from the survey data…and you have my assurance that I’ll be sharing my thoughts about it with all of you.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o Happy birthday tomorrow (Sunday, February 21 st ), Stephanie! Your 39 th , I believe. Right?
o Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein
o Only 48 days until the first round of the 2016 version of golf’s greatest event…The Masters! Sort of like being a kid knowing that Christmas is just around the corner…well, for me anyway.

Warm and cloudy morning in greater Goodlettsville…but the “warm” part is really enjoyable. Comfortable weekend to all!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


UT President's Award.pdf
UT President's Award.pdf

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