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02/18/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Congratulations - to Jim Rhody and the training team for a successful train-the-trainer class held at Fairfield Glade last week. We had 11 MTAS consultants attend along with about 20 contract instructors. These are the people we are counting on for the Municipal Management Academy for city department heads and supervisors. Classes are already underway in Franklin and Gatlinburg and Jim has arranged for classes in Dyersburg.

TML Awards - It's time for the MTAS consultants to start thinking about nominations for the annual TML awards program. Please get your nominations to Carole Graves at TML by the end of April. Thanks. PS. - here's a short description of the awards.
TML Awards.doc
TML Awards.doc

Workplace harassment - Some years ago we all took a required sexual harassment course. Now, all UT employees are required to take a workplace harassment course. It will be taught for IPS employees by staff from the UT Office of Equity and Diversity. The session title is "Raising Your Antenna." The title will mean more to everyone after the training.

The dates for the training are:
  • Friday, March 12, Knoxville, UT Conference Center, Room 400A, 1 session - 9:00 a.m. - noon
  • Monday, April 12, Nashville, Polk Avenue CIS Training Room, a.m. session from 9:00 - noon; p.m. session from 1:00 - 4:00
  • Tuesday, May 4, Jackson, West TN Experiment Station, Room B, 9:00 a.m. - noon
  • Friday, May 14, Knoxville, UT Conference Center, Room 400A, 1 session 9:00 - noon

    Everyone needs to register for a session. Please pick your date and time (in Jackson, you only have one choice - unless you want to drive to Nashville) and then you can either register online or email Jennifer who will register you. Here's what you need to do to register online.
  • go to
    (or go to the IPS home page, select "services" on the left of the screen, then select "Training Registration" listed under "Training Services"
  • select the course "Raising Your Antenna" - at the moment that's the third one down
  • at this point you have a choice, you can "Sign In" or "register" for the course. Either way, at some point, you will need to enter your name and password. Your name is from the file we have on Notes and here's the list of all our names.
    Find your name on the list and enter it that way. Then, it will ask for your password. All our passwords for this program are the same: "mtasonline". That is, unless you have changed it.
  • Follow the instructions from here. Remember, this is how we ask our customers to register for online courses. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

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