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02/17/2017 Executive News

Executive News

· The return of Friday Stuff!

· This week ranks right up near the top of “interesting weeks” during my time at IPS and MTAS…and I’m referring to the subject of Herb’s message to all of us yesterday morning. From my vantage point, a huge amount of good work has been done by the UT Government Relations and Advocacy office staff, our friends at TML and some of the county associations and other friends of CTAS and MTAS. There’s more work to be done and it needs to be well orchestrated, which I’m comfortable that it will continue being. We’ll keep you posted as to how things develop.

· Dr. DiPietro and Dr. Milhorn want to make field trips to different parts of the state to see some of IPS’s work. The agency directors are working to put together itineraries and I appreciate the input several MTASers have already provided. We don’t have really firm dates yet but their trips will probably be late-April things. Stand by for further developments.

· We’re in the home stretch with APR’s. I appreciate everybody’s attention to them and keeping us on schedule with the process.

· Rick, Elisha, Lisa, Abb, Frances, Cyndy and I worked with a bunch of other IPSers late last week putting final touches on the IPS strategic plan AND defining strategies and timelines to achieve some of the micro-goals of the plan in the near future. These folks will probably need your help going forward, so please be available when called upon. A general “rollout” of the plan will happen mid-March. Just getting to that point will be good cause for celebration.

· Dr. DiPietro’s “State of the University” address will be delivered next Tuesday afternoon. The live webcast begins at 3 p.m. CST/4 p.m. EST and a link to it will be available at
. If you’re not attending in person, I hope your schedule allows you to dial in and hear his words.

· A little catch up work on birthdays…I think each is celebrating their 39 th .
o Sandy – February 5 th
o Michelle – February 9 th
o Sharon – February 9 th
o Margaret – February 17 th (that would be today)
o Stephanie – February 21 st

· And the same for some service anniversaries…thank you both for your service.
o Margaret Norris joined MTAS 2/12/2001
o Dawn McMillen joined MTAS 2/22/16

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

· Is spring here? If the weather in Middle Tennessee today is any indication, the answer is “yes”. There’s bound to be a golf game somewhere out there. I hope your weekend is comfortable.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director

(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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