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02/17/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

By now, we certainly know about the rollout of the new IPS intranet. I’ve spent some time with it and find it to be a great improvement regarding its design, functionality and, for me at least, its ease in navigating from one part of it to the next. For somebody like me that has difficulty in even spelling “IT”, that’s saying something.

One thing I would appreciate your doing in the next couple days is to go to the site and update your personal bio page. I took a few minutes earlier this morning and was successful in doing so to mine. The formatting isn’t the prettiest in the world and I’ll work on that. But the important step of getting my info posted was done with relative ease and done so in only a few minutes time. Several of us have already done the update. Thanks for getting that done quickly.

The bio pages are important for everyone’s access and use in MTAS and IPS. I can tell you for certain that the work of the strategic implementation team I’m on will be relying on it as a critical tool in making the collective technical knowledge of all IPS employees easily accessible and as a tool to alert all of IPS about things we learn each day that has relevance across all the agencies. For us in MTAS, it makes the answer to the question, “Now, who can help me with this problem or that issue?” a few mouse clicks away when working with our town and city customers.

Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes this week getting all of our bio pages updated.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
The University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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