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02/17/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Budget Cuts - I said last week that: "We don't have a firm figure about any potential budget cuts." That is still true. We're working with all sorts of possibilities, but we don't have any firm figures yet. Last year we didn't know anything definite until the second week of July. It might be a little sooner this year, but surely not in February. As soon as I know anything definite, I'll email everyone. One thing we can be sure of is that the support of cities and city officials will be as critical to us this year as it was last. The only way we can retain the high levels of support we had last year is by continuing to offer high levels of service to cities. Let's keep doing just that.

Dresden - Both Dick and David have received very complimentary letters from Pat Brundige, City Recorder in Dresden. Not everyone takes the time to write and I can't remember ever receiving two letters from the same city official on the same day. I've written Pat to thank her for the letters and I want to thank Dick and David for doing such a good job in Dresden.

Oxford, Mississippi? - Some time in March, Rex is going to accompany Mike Hill of the Law Enforcement Innovation Center to Oxford to help with a police department comprehensive review. LEIC will reimburse us for Rex's time and expenses and it gives us a chance to support another IPS agency and to learn a little about police work in another state.

MTAS Retreat- We had tentatively planned an MTAS retreat for this May. In light of the possible cuts in the state budget, we've decided to indefinitely postpone it. (That's bureaucratize for it's cancelled!)

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