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02/16/2017 Executive News

Executive News

I’m sure many of you have heard of two proposed bills that, if passed, would impact CTAS and MTAS. House bills 1180 and 1181 (Jeremy Faison) and senate bills 1325 and 1326 (Mike Bell) would establish a sunset date of June 30, 2019 and require a state sunset audit of each agency for continued operation. The bills are expected to be considered in the House and Senate Government Operations Committees in the coming weeks.

We are working with our friends in the legislature, our UT Government Relations and Advocacy office and especially our local government program partners to address issues related to these bills. We’ll keep you informed as we gain further information.

Thanks for all you do,


Dr. Herb Byrd, III
Vice President of Public Service
UT Institute for Public Service
1610 University Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37921-6741

Office: (865) 974-8278
Mobile: (865) 386-5656

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