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02/12/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· MTAS…around the world…earlier this week, Chris Shults sent a few of us the following message… In 2014, I went to SECoPA and was a member of a discussion panel that discussed the link between public administration theory and practitioner application. I’m happy to let you know the paper I wrote for that panel is being published in the International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior. The name of the paper is “Advancing the Practice of Performance Measurement in Pubic Organizations: Observations From the Tennessee Municipal Benchmarking Project.” It will be published next month in Issue I volume 19 of the IJOTB. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to SECoPA and I hope many people can learn from MTAS and the TMBP project. Congrats, Chris! Quite an accomplishment to have a paper published, let alone in an international journal. FYI, SECoPA stands for Southeastern Conference for Public Administration.

· APR’s…thanks to everybody for getting the initial parts of the process finished on time. The ball is in Rick’s and my court for the next few days and then back to you and your supervisor to wrap things up. Everything has to be to Dr. Byrd by March 11 th , but we’ll meet that easily.

· On July 1 st of this year, a couple important things will be put into play that will impact all of state government, including UT, IPS and MTAS. One involves getting folks back to work…in some capacity…after suffering a workplace injury. The other has to do with how quickly (or not) a workplace injury is appropriately reported and managed. Both have financial advantages / consequences to us…MTAS. For now, know that when you are injured in any way while on the job, it must (with emphasis on “must”) be reported no later than the fifth day after the injury occurred. Work closely with your supervisor to manage the situation. For every injury that results in a worker’s comp claim where the injury was not reported within the five day window, we…MTAS…will get dinged a heavy penalty…as in “dollars”. Folks, help each of us by not letting that happen.

· This number…1-866-245-8588…should be called as soon as practically possible after the injury occurrence mentioned above. Instructions will be given when you call that number as to where treatment of the injury can be provided.

· Later this month, Chuck Shoopman will represent IPS and work with other folks from across the UT System in updating UT’s strategic plan. Very soon after that, a group of folks from across IPS will begin work to draft a new plan. In the next few days, I’ll be visiting with some MTASers seeking their participation with me, the other IPS directors and their personnel and Herb. At yesterday’s Leadership Team meeting, we discussed finishing the redo of the IPS plan by September…an aggressive timeline but one that will coincide nicely with some good work and a good work plan to go along with it. I can assure you. The work plan requires that we all…all 150+ of us in IPS…contribute to the plan. I know…new and different…but also really good.

· For all the wrong reasons, I like and appreciate Don Green offering at yesterday’s Leadership Team meeting of active shooter training…some training LEIC has been delivering for some time now. Details aren’t worked out yet, but my hope is that everywhere IPS has personnel can participate in the training. More to come on this. Stand by.

· Quite a bit of work has been going on over the past several months concerning an IPS-wide development and advancement plan. Up to this time, our efforts in identifying prospective donors of resources to IPS and its agencies have been sort of hit-and-miss. Does the plan being put in place require each one of us to go out and actively solicit gifts? NO. In fact, that would be counterproductive. But it will require each one of us to be informed about the process so that a “team approach” is very apparent…and eventually, very productive. Several parts being developed for the overall plan. You’ll being hearing more about this soon.

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated.
o Happy birthday to President Lincoln today and to Margaret next Wednesday, February 17 th …39 th for both, I believe.
o “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” – John F. Kennedy
o All golf holes cut into a green should be circular, with a diameter of 4 1/4 inches. (Golfsmith magazine) Truly amazing stuff, I know.

In spite of there being no football on TV this weekend, I hope yours is good and comfortable.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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