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02/10/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Email alias - Did you know we all have an alias? Our internal email address is something unpronounceable and would not fit well on a business card. For years we have assigned an alias that routes the email to your internal address. For a long time it was your last name then first initial, then NOW your alias has been changed. The new one will be on our web site and on all our new business cards. It will follow a slightly different format.

Mine is "". Lisa has assigned yours, using your first name or the name you normally use. This should make it easier to give out and use. Your old alias will work for a while, but we need to start using the new one.


Bob Schwartz, Executive Director
University of Tennessee
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
120 Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4105

Email alias - from Lisa As Bob pointed out in his e-mail, the IT administrators for IPS recommended
a new naming convention for e-mail aliases and it was adopted by the
executive leadership.  The new naming convention is your first name (or the
name you use) a period and then your last name followed by
This new policy puts us more in line with what the state is doing for
e-mail aliases.

You will see the alias that I have created for you when you receive this
e-mail.  If it is not to your liking, please let me know how you'd like it

To continue to properly channel our communications between cities and our
attorneys, this new naming convention has NOT been implemented for Melissa,
Sid, or Dennis.

Your former alias that is on your business cards will continue to work
indefinitely.  We've been told by campus that we can keep 5 aliases active
for each e-mail user.  As long as this policy remains in place, there is no
reason to terminate any of the previous aliases.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks.

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