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02/06/2007 Executive News

Executive News

MTAS Retreat - The MTAS retreat this year will be from noon on Tuesday, May 22 until noon on Thursday, May 24. We will meet in Nashville (some folks have suggested we should go to Oak Ridge, but I'm afraid I've already overplayed that card). I don't know which hotel yet. We're working on getting reservations. One of our goals during the retreat is to meet with several of the state agencies that we work with so much during the year.

4A0.gif 20 Years ! - We had a short reception in Knoxville Monday afternoon to celebrate Sandy Selvage's 20 years with the University. Sandy started in 1987 with the Law School and joined the MTAS codes team in September 1993. Recently she moved to the training team. Since Monday was also Sandy's birthday, she brought her birthday flowers (given by Izetta) along to the reception. Twenty years is a long time to stay with one employer and we're glad Sandy chose to stay here.

PS. We have several other people who have passed the 20 year plateau: Armintha, Mike, Sid, Sharon, Al, and Rick. Dennis would if you counted his tenure with the risk management pool. Dick would if you counted his tenure with CTAS. And Ray's numbers are off the chart if you count his time with the state.

Our average tenure with MTAS is 9.5 years. And our average age is just a little over 50.

Mary Jinks, Associate Vice President - Mary has been promoted from assistant vice president to associate vice president effective January 1, 2007. That's a big deal at the university.

UT Employee Satisfaction Survey - I'm told that Dr. Petersen will be sending an email in the next week or so about the employee satisfaction survey. Every employee will have the opportunity to complete it either electronically or on paper.

AND MTAS Customer Satisfaction Survey - The Social Science Survey Institute will mail our biannual customer satisfaction survey soon. We'll send you a copy when they send us the final version.

UT Travel Schedule - Here's a summary of the revised travel schedule and procedures.
Changes in Travel Policy - Revision Number 16 Notice to Employees February 5.pdf
Changes in Travel Policy - Revision Number 16 Notice to Employees February 5.pdf

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