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02/05/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Greetings MTASers,

Happy Monday, and happy February to you. Wow, it’s hard for me to believe that a month of the new year has flown by already. I hope you’re having as much fun as I am.

Last week I did some in-depth data analysis on the feedback you gave me in our one-on-one appointments. There were a lot of unique answers, and yet a lot of commonalities in your responses. I look forward to making positive changes where I can based on what you told me. You had some really great ideas – thanks team!

Today is the kick off for the month-long UT family campaign. In the TN Today newsletter, there was a link to a family campaign video. I watched it and liked the message. Here’s a link to view it in case you don’t subscribe to the newsletter:

The APR schedule is moving along as planned. We are still on target for supervisors to begin meeting with their individual team members in two weeks. That part of the process will finish by March 2 and that gives me two weeks to review and submit completed forms to IPS by the 16 th of March. I appreciate your efforts on keeping us on track with the calendar.

While on the topic of calendars, there were a few dates from last week that I’d like to call your attention to.
· January 30 was Michelle Terry’s work anniversary
· February 1 was Rick Whitehead’s work anniversary
· February 2 was John Grubb’s work anniversary
Thanks to the three of you for a combined 23 years of service to MTAS and TN cities.

Also, we had a fun post to our Facebook page last week that I want to share with you:

! MTAS staff wore their red to show their support for heart disease awareness and research. This national event was started by the American Heart Association.

Lastly, I heard a quote last week that I wrote down, and surprisingly enough, the “quote of the day” in my planner was spot on with the sentiments of the first quote. Here they both are:

History is to be learned from, not lived in.
Things that are done, it is needless to speak about; . . . things that are past, it is needless to blame. – Confucius

I hope you can look forward with me. Have a great week ahead!

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