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02/05/2016 Executive News

Executive News


· We knew in our hearts it was a great program. Now we know…for sure! Over the last 7 or 8 years, everybody in MTAS has touched the Certified Municipal Finance Officer (CMFO) in some way. Some more than others…and we hoped (with emphasis on “hoped”) that what it was producing was what was intended. By golly, now we know for sure. Chris Shults has completed an analysis of the program that measured results before and after CMFO…results that statistically show the types of adverse findings and the number of adverse findings in municipal audits being fewer in the three years after CMFO was implemented compared to the three years prior to its implementation. TA DA! Attached is a copy of the report. Note that it is labeled INTERNAL and I ask that you keep it that way. You’ll see in the appendices that specific cities are identified…and that information must remain in house. If you need / want a copy for external use, let Chris know. It contains the same information but specific cities are not identified by name. Regardless of your role to get CMFO to where it is today, you’re a part of its success. Congratulations and thank you.

· ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Smokey is know, the Smokey that stood guard in the MTAS reception area in the Conference Center Building for many years and successfully moved and took up his position in the lobby at the new University Avenue office. Well, he has disappeared. BOLO for Smokey! We miss him!

· I hope each of us has taken a minute to read Linda Harig’s e-mail from last Monday where we are reminded of the University’s drug-free workplace policy. It’s important that each of us works to do our part to make our work environment as safe as it possibly can be…for ourselves and each other. Here’s is the University policy
. Thanks for being familiar with it.

· Remember, there are only 9 shopping days left ‘til Valentine’s Day.

· Professional membership dues REIMBURSEMENT. Getting reimbursed for some of my professional membership dues is a great benefit I enjoy…and that all seems to be working well since it was implemented in MTAS. As a reminder, it’s a “reimbursement”…and that reimbursement comes to me after I’ve forwarded documentation to my supervisor that the dues have been paid by me. There has been a bit of confusion on this when the original invoice has been submitted to be paid directly by MTAS. The documentation needed is something showing the dues having already been paid.

· Show me the money! Governor Haslam delivered his State of the State address Monday night and coincidentally delivered his proposed FY2017 budget to the Legislature. Included in that budget is a modest state allocation increase for MTAS and we’re working to figure out what will be left from it after the usual ongoing expense increases are covered. Work on finalizing next year’s budget continues at a good pace and we’ll keep you posted on it. We present our budget to Herb on March 23 rd .

· We each got an e-mail from Honna yesterday letting us know about her and Brett’s upcoming meeting with Herb and the rest of the IPS Employee Feedback group. My hope is that each of us will pass along those things that we wonder about concerning IPS and its agencies to either or both of them. I can assure you that the agency directors pay attention to the information we receive through Herb from the group. I think the group’s work has been incredibly important to getting to resolutions of long standing issues we’ve wondered about and been concerned about. Honna and Brett take their representation of us very seriously and commit a significant amount of time to their roles. Make their commitment on our behalf worthwhile by letting them know what may be on your mind. Thanks in advance for doing that and thank you, Honna and Brett, for your service to us.

· Now it’s your turn! We all got Herb’s “heads up” yesterday about 360 evaluations and his comment about how, eventually, the instrument would give every one of us the chance to size up our supervisor. What an opportunity! But you also noticed that this first round will be directed at the members of the IPS Leadership Team. Folks, I would consider it a great favor if you’ll muster all the candor you can and let me know how I’m doing and include your ideas where I can do better. You’re bound to have some so help me help me know what they are. Also, I’ve given Herb a list of elected and appointed city officials across the state and asked that the evaluation instrument for me you’ll receive be shared with them also. I want the picture to be as complete as possible. Thanks in advance for giving this some of your time.

· Punxsutawney Phil is highly overrated!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated.
o Michelle Terry and Sharon will co-celebrate birthdays next Tuesday, February 9 th … 39 th for both I believe.
o Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. – C. S. Lewis
o The rarest shot in golf is called an Albatross (weird, I know). It is also called a double eagle. If you’re into numbers, it’s scoring a “2” on a par five hole or a “1” on a par four hole (but that’s also called a hole-in-one, which is NOT the rarest score in golf). Pat Hardy and Ronnie Neill are in an exclusive club. They are two golfers never to score an Albatross.

Have a comfortable weekend. OMAHA!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


Final report CMFO analysis 020116 (INTERNAL).pdf
Final report CMFO analysis 020116 (INTERNAL).pdf

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