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02/05/2008 Executive News

Executive News

APR--I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has promptly responded in completing their APR form, that is very helpful. Attached is the link to the scorecard information that I referenced in our Ednet session. Look on the right at strategic planning and operations. Let me know if you have any questions.

Regarding other APR issues a question was raised regarding whether or not the calculated amount of money spent on training could be counted as economic impact. I think if that was training being offered by someone else, we could probably count it, but if it is training the city is paying us to provide, we should not count it. I doubt there will be very much of the other and by the way telling a city they have to send their new recruits to the police academy would not count since this is a regulation they requires their compliance.

We are still working on the Nonexempt APR and should have it completed by the end of the week. We will then schedule a meeting in the Knoxville office.

Other News since January 1.

Recruitments-- Training Consultant - Ken Cox has started as a training consultant, he is part of the new positions generated by the Certified Municipal Finance Officer program. Ken brings a wealth of experience to MTAS and we are glad to have him on board. If you haven't met him or talked to him by phone, please say hello at the first opportunity.

Finance Consultants - West Tennessee - We have concluded the process, but can't make an announcement until the offer letter is signed.
Middle Tennessee - We have submitted paperwork to the University and we are awaiting an answer and will then schedule and interview with Dr. Jinks.
East Tennessee - We have submitted paperwork to the University and we are awaiting an answer and will then schedule and interview with Dr. Jinks.

All three of these individuals will be exceptional and positive additions to the staff.

Nashville Support Position - We have interviews scheduled for Monday, February 15. Hopefully we will be able to fill that position.

Southeast Management Consultant - We have received several resumes within the last 5 to 10 days and will wait until we have complete applications before determining our interview pool.

Departures - As you know Jim Rhody has resigned. We will miss Jim, especially all he did with MMA, but the work still remains. Ken Cox will be covering Jim's open MMA accounts for the time being.

Renovations - For those of you not in the Knoxville office, the electronic shelving has been installed in the Library and you would not believe how much those shelves will hold. The old furniture has been removed and installation on the new furniture (cubes) begins tomorrow. A huge round of applause goes to Frances for her work in managing this process. She has done an excellent job.

Let me know if you have any questions and as always, I truly appreciate your hard work and the high quality of service you provide to Tennessee cities.



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