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02/05/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Mike Pentecost - As most of you know, Mike is a retired MTAS management, finance, and computer consultant. Mike Tallent, Sharon, and I stopped by to visit Mike at his home in Dresden on Sunday evening January 27 before going to Jackson for the APR interviews Monday morning. Mike has serious liver disease and is hoping to be put on a transplant list. He should find out some time this month. We enjoyed visiting and trading several old MTAS stories. We gave him cookies Sharon had baked and a copy of our recent virtual group photo. Mike is in good spirts and in pretty good shape, but he is also pretty sick.

Staff Meetings next week - We will have staff meetings Tuesday, February 12 in Jackson; Wednesday, February 13 in Nashville; and Thursday, February 14 in Knoxville. Here's the agenda.
1. APR results - Please come prepared to discuss one of the accomplishments you highlighted on your APR form for last year.
2. Salary Plan Update - I may, or may not, have something to say about our salary plan. It's likely to be very general, but it could be very specific.
3. TML Conference - Sally and I are working with TML on the 2002 conference to be held in Knoxville. We are trying to add some excitement to it. I'll discuss our ideas so far and would like your suggestions. We want to invigorate the awards program and particularly want your thoughts for that.

Big City Cubes - It's no consolation I know, but we are not the only organization with much of it's staff in cubes. Here's a photo of Mayor Michael Bloomberg the new Mayor of New York in his cube. You'll notice his computer has two screens. I expect one is a regular screen and the other is for the Bloomberg News Service. - As you've heard from Nancy the Treasurer's Office has reversed itself and will not reimburse you for the $5.95 reservation fee. I'm still arguing with them, but I don't hold much hope.

APR Interviews - Thanks to everyone for keeping us on schedule. While I enjoy each one, the cumulative effect is a little daunting. I particularly want to thank Mike and Sharon for joining me again on the quest to see if we can talk to almost everyone who works at MTAS in four days!

Elected Officials Academy - We had another successful Elected Officials Academy. This time we were at MTSU in Murfreesboro. Everything I remember about campus food remains true. We had ten participants including two Mayors, one city attorney, and a bunch of aldermen. Becky also attended and learned a lot from the consultants who presented. This time our presenters were: Don, Gary, John, Sharon, Bill, Steve, Brett, Rex, Ray, and Rick. Rae Bond joined us to speak at lunch on Friday. Thanks to everyone who helped. Our next EOA is in Knoxville beginning February 28.

PS - While that really is Mayor Bloomberg's cube, it's only temporary while the executive offices in the New York city hall are remodeled.

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