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02/04/2016 Executive News

Executive News

It looks like 2016 is off to a fast start for our Institute. I have already seen some excellent programs first hand and have heard from many of you on the great work happening and planned for the year. I’m proud that our organization is full of folks who constantly pursue performance excellence. This is certainly a value held by each member of our IPS Administrative Team. As a result we have been working on a performance survey to help us work toward our professional growth. One of the greatest values of a “360 degree” instrument is that it helps us evaluate if our intentions actually match up with our behaviors and actions.

Our plans are to eventually roll this type of evaluation out for all IPS employees who supervise others. It is important to me, and also to the IPS Administrative Team, that we get to go first. After this round of evaluations is complete, we will determine an annual schedule and will communicate it to you when it is decided upon.
I’m always amused with the drug commercials on television that proclaim all the benefits of the drug --- then as the commercial closes, someone in speed mode indicates the risks of taking the medication. What I am doing next is somewhat similar I suppose. Nonetheless, here goes…

· We will be doing 360 degree evaluations on all of the IPS Administrative Team (Herb Byrd, Scott Gordy, Don Green, Paul Jennings, Judie Martin, Robin Roberts, Susan Robertson, Chuck Shoopman, Jim Thomas, Steve Thompson, and Gail White). That means that some of you may receive as many as eight (8) requests for survey completion. While I am somewhat concerned about “survey-fatigue,” I feel it is important for us to conduct these evaluations of the full administrative team together.

· You will receive an email either later today (4 February 2016) or the first of next week with links to the individual surveys you are being asked to complete.

· Surveys will NOT capture any identifying information except your relationship to the person being evaluated (Direct Report, Peer, Supervisor, Other).

· Only summary information will be shared with each individual.

· Comments will be shared in a way to communicate themes, not direct statements that might disclose identity.

· This evaluation is in addition to our normal UT performance evaluation process. I will use information gathered in the performance dialogue I have with administrative team members, and Dr. DiPietro and Dr. Millhorn will do the same for me.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. I realize I am asking you to trust me in the stewardship of this process, and at the same time I am trusting you to thoughtfully and honestly consider your appraisal of each individual according to the items requested and to make any comments helpful to our pursuit of excellence.
As always, I am grateful to be with you on our journey, and also for the great work you are doing.
Take care,


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