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02/01/2007 Executive News

Executive News

Welcome! - Elaine Morrisey started Monday, January 29 at what we call the front desk in Knoxville, but is actually the Administrative Support Assistant II position. She joins the training team. Sandy is helping her get acquainted with C2K (the training tracking software). For the last year and a half Elaine was with the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling on campus. Throughout her career she has worked as a mortgage processor, legal assistant, and secretary. We're glad someone with this much experience and skill decided to join MTAS. PS. Her husband, Romeo, works with LEIC.

TML Hometown Champions - During the TML district meetings, they announced their "hometown champions" meaning city officials who have a personal relationship with a member of the Legislature. The relationship could be a distant cousin, a college room mate, or some other connection. If you have such a connection and would be willing to make a couple of calls on TML's behalf during the session, please let me know.

MTAS strategic plan - We prepared and massaged and revised and reviewed the MTAS strategic plan to fit within the IPS and the UT strategic plans. Here's a copy:
MTAS strategic plan Jan07 FINAL.doc
MTAS strategic plan Jan07 FINAL.doc


Recruiting Update - We interviewed four candidates for the training consultant position (to replace Sally) Monday January 29. We should be able to make a selection soon. We plan to interview three candidates for the Human Resources consultant (a new position) on February 20. So, we're making progress.

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