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01/28/1997 Executive News

Executive News

MTAS Retreat - The MTAS retreat will begin at noon on Wednesday April 16 and conclude at noon on Friday April 18. amended 2/12 - The dates are now April 23 - 25. Please mark your calendar. We will meet in the Richland Inn in Columbia. Thursday afternoon we will take a short tour of the Saturn plant in Spring Hill. Some of our meetings will be at the LGDPC in Columbia. I'm working on the program so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.

Video Staff Meetings - A lot of staff members have said that the Ednet video staff meetings weren't very productive, but no one said it to me in such clear terms as Ken Joines did a couple of weeks ago during a management team meeting. So, we won't have any more video staff meetings for some time to come.

TML Legislative Conference - We have set up four round table discussions on the Monday of the TML legislative conference. The topics are:

1. The Internet and the development of home pages etc. ---Chaired by Carole Graves and Lissa Gay.

2. Telecommunications, how to cope with changes in the law and what does the future hold.
---Chaired by Jim Finane

3. Public Safety Issues, such as the DUI seizure bill, TOSHA regs, Dispatching certification,
City/County Fire services etc.---Chaired by Ray Crouch and Rex Barton.

4. Legal Issues, the new political activity law, (will have more information on this table later)
Chaired by Sid Hemsley and Todd Moore

The roundtables will run from 2 PM to 4 PM on Monday February 24th.

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