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01/25/2002 Executive News

Executive News

I'm busy with APR interviews both this week and next, so this Staff Update will have to do for both weeks. Hey, we all have to make sacrifices.

MTAS Retreat - To save money this year, we are going to combine our retreat with the IPS retreat. We won't save any lodging or food costs, but we will save the travel costs. The MTAS retreat will be September 10, 11, and the morning September 12. The IPS conference will be the rest of September 12 through lunch on September 13. It will all be in Gatlinburg and the same hotel (Park Vista). Please mark the days on your calendar.

New TML phone system and numbers - TML has installed a new wondrous phone system. Here's a list of their direct dial numbers. The current office number still works.


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