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01/24/1996 Executive News

Executive News

Staff Update - January 24, 1996

Mary Beatty - Mary's position has been changed from term to regular full time. We have also changed her job duties. She now devotes almost her full 40 hours a week to Tennessee Town & City .

Annual Performance Reviews - Remember to E-mail a copy of your APR form to me and to your team leader a week before our interview.

Utility Operations Specialist - We interviewed four people on Monday (1/22) for this position. We hope to have someone on board in about six weeks. This position will report to Al and is funded by CG&L. The job description will include visiting wastewater treatment plants and helping the operators get the maximum performance at the lowest cost.

Notes News - With MikeP coming on line last week, we now have everyone connected to Notes. Jackson is still intermittent, but we hope to have that fixed soon. We are using version 3.3 of Notes. Version 4 was released this month. We will convert to that along with Notes Mail in the next couple of months.

We are building a database to handle the weekly travel report. It should be ready by the middle of February.

ORNL - Rex, Carol, Kirk, Becky, JimF, Al, Sid, Tom Ballard, Ellen Black, and I will spend the morning of February 1 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They have several programs of interest to cities.

TML Legislative Conference - We will do four roundtables Monday afternoon at the TML legislative conference. MikeT and Sid will talk to newly elected officials; Carole will have a couple of cities to talk about their Internet home page; Rick will discuss drug and alcohol testing; and Joe will work with Sally Oglesby of Crossville to review the City Recorder certification requirements.

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