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01/22/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Project Reporting - Please remember to close your year long projects for 2002 and to open new ones for 2003. This includes: MTAS -Administration and MTAS - professional development. It's also a good time to look at all your projects and close out whatever else needs it.

State Agencies - We prepared a report for IPS recently highlighting the work we have done with state agencies. We cover a lot of territory and I thought you would be interested.
State Agency Summary.doc
State Agency Summary.doc
Thanks to the consultants who contributed the information and Marea Herrington, intern, for assembling the report.

TML District Meetings - The TML District meetings have started. Sounds like the next legislative session won't be as difficult as last year but it's still going to be interesting.

Snow Story - I'll be giving a prize for the most interesting snow story. I don't know what the prize is. . . perhaps a window scraper. Email your entries to me. Thanks.

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