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01/19/2009 Executive News

Executive News

Well everyone is back from the holidays and hard at work. In fact the holidays seem a distant memory. As with the beginning of every new year, it is time to do our Annual Performance Reviews. If you go to the database, you will be able to click on the create button and have everything ready for completion. If you are delinquent on your quarterly reports for 2008, be sure they are completed before you begin preparing your form.
Also be aware that we are making modifications to economic impact, so your numbers may change over the next several days.  We will send out an email when they are finalized.
Finally, we still have our requirement of 32 hours for professional development with 16 hours in your specialty.  I know this may present a problem for some with our cutback on out-of-state travel.  If it does please consult and resolve with our supervisor.

Except for the following, no changes of any consequence have been made to last year’s document, but if you have any questions, please consult your supervisor. The change I would like to add this year, is for everyone to
think innovative on at least one of your work plan measures. You may not be successful in implementing or completing the project, but if you truly try, you will not be penalized if you don’t succeed. Preferably this should be a project that is derived from a city(s), but it may be something you think of and then “sell” to a city(s). A couple of examples of innovation are:
1) The post-graduate internship. This was developed with a group of cities in the southeast part of the state. It was developed, implemented and did not work well the first time. It was tried again and we are currently working with our third internship. The first of those three is now a city manager. Important point, this program does not have to be limited to city management.
2) A solid waste study is being conducted for one city. With full automation, that city will achieve enough capacity in its collection system that it could provide residential solid waste collection for two neighboring cities, thereby allowing them to reduce their collection expense and re-allocate resources to other functions.

An innovative project does not have to be original with yourself, it can be something you borrow and apply to your job or service area. That makes it new and innovative for you. As we progress through this year and future years I want us to be sure we are sharing this information with each other.

The timeline for the annual performance review process is:
January 16 Send notice to staff
IMPORTANT – you will need to notify your immediate supervisor and Lisa Shipley when you have completed your form.
January 26 Final day for staff to complete their form (
please don’t wait until the last day)
February 9 Supervisors and Management Team members complete their review and comments
February 11 Management Team meets to discuss aprs
February 12-26 Management Team member and supervisor meet with each staff member to review the form and all comments.
February 27 Process is complete

Although funds may not be available to actually do cash awards, we want to implement our recognition or bonus plan this year. The details of that plan will be discussed with each of you during the face to face review period.

As always, if you have any questions, please let me or your supervisory know.  Thanks for all you do and have a good weekend.


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