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01/16/2007 Executive News

Executive News

Travel Rates changed January 15 - The state and UT travel rates changed on Monday (I guess they did it while we were all out for the MLK holiday). In fact, Lisa worked over the holiday to change our T-3 database so that any travel you enter for days beginning January 15 will be computed at the new rates. AND, the state and UT have adopted ALMOST identical rates. At first glance, the rates are the same, but there are a couple of small differences. Here is a list of the new UT rates.
Reimbursement Rates Effective January 15, 2007.doc
Reimbursement Rates Effective January 15, 2007.doc

The major changes are:
1. The mileage rate is increased for both UT and state travelers to $0.46 per mile (from .42)
2. We have new hotel rates that apply to both UT and state travelers (see the enclosure for the amounts for certain cities). The statewide rate, unless it's one of the higher cost cities, is increased to $65.
3. The per diem rate is the same for both UT and state travelers. There is a list of the higher cost cities in the attachment. The statewide rate is $39.
4. UT requires a receipt (for parking) if the expense is over $50. The state requires a receipt if the expense is over $8.

Please close out your T-3 through January 14 and start a new one beginning January 15. The T-3 database is set up for the new rates, but doing it this way will be easier for Tess, for me, and for you. Thanks.

TDOT planning - Don and I attended a "sounding board" meeting for TDOT's work with the Rural Planning Organizations last week. We're learned a lot about TDOT's internal planning process, and we learned several things you might be interested in:
  • There are 11 MPO's (metropolitan planning organizations) and 12 RPO's (rural planning organizations) in the state.
  • It is TDOT's goal to blend transportation planning with CDBG and other state wide plans.
  • TDOT has been experienced flat revenues with about a 12% cost increase.
  • The money TDOT receives from the federal government has been decreasing.
  • Two results of the reduced revenues and increased unit costs are that TDOT resurfaces about 1,600 miles per year instead of the 2,600 miles needed and that Commissioner Nicely has imposed a hiring freeze for all non-maintenance positions.

    Nashville office manager - We have made a change for office manager in Nashville Ralph has passed the baton (actually it was three rather worn file folders) to Kurt.

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