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01/15/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Elected Officials Academy - We had fourteen city officials spend 20 hours with Dave, Roy, Brett, Steve, John, Sharon, Ray, Rex, Dick, Rick, along with Kurt Frederick and Bobby Phillips of CGT, and me for the elected officials academy in Jackson. We were in class from 5 PM to 9 PM on Thursday, from 8 AM to 7:30 PM on Friday, and from 8 AM to 3 PM on Saturday. They learned a lot and I learned that substituting for Sally is hard! I got home Saturday night at 9:15!

Database 'Bulletin Board', View 'News from the Executive Director', Document '01/15/2002      News from the Executive Director' Here's a link to several pictures from the class. It's a big file so I kept it separate.

TML District Meetings - TML is continuing its district meetings with one in Knoxville last Monday and in Jackson last Friday (that was the largest crowd I've seen in 12 years of district meetings). Yesterday, we were in Crossville and Chattanooga and we will finish the series in Nashville on Friday.

Financial Status - As of the end of December, we were halfway through our fiscal year. Our revenues are at 50% - we estimated a little low. Because of the vacancies we have had we have only spent 45% of our budget for salaries.

Emergency Preparedness Workshop - Our City University series on public safety started January 10 in Cookeville with 17 participants. It is being taught by TEMA staff and will be offered in six more cities across the state. In her new role as Administrative Services Assistant for training, Jennifer went to Cookeville to facilitate the first class. Not only was it the first time she had facilitated a class, it was the first time Jennifer was in a water plant!

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