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01/11/2018 Executive News

Executive News

Good Afternoon,

Please find attached the APR schedule for this year. You’ll note from the schedule that the APR form will be made available to you next Tuesday and will remain accessible by you until January 26 th . However, before you begin work on the form, please make sure that you’ve completed all of your project reporting data entries for 2017.

After you finish your work, your supervisor will complete the APR form and schedule a meeting with you to discuss it. The APR and PRS forms will be made available to you prior to the discussion with your supervisor.

Please let me or your supervisor know if you have questions.


Richard A. Whitehead, Assistant Director
O: (865) 974-9856 M: (731) 426-4598

2018 Annual Performance Review Schedule.docx
2018 Annual Performance Review Schedule.docx

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