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01/08/2007 Executive News

Executive News

REMINDER- Please complete your data entry work with for your 2006 projects in Project Reporting by Wednesday, January 10.

Project Reporting 2007 - UT is changing how it reports the level, type, and results of outreach activities for all faculty and staff. Since everything we do is "outreach" this will change how we report data in 2007. We are adding several data elements. Most of what we are adding will be calculated by the project reporting system using the subject heading you already enter. We are going to make several modifications to the project reporting system. PLEASE DON'T CLOSE ANY 2007 PROJECT UNTIL WE HAVE MADE THE MODIFICATIONS, probably in a month or so.

The new data elements include:
  • Touches - the number of people you directly work with on the project. Often, it will be one, but for large public meetings it will be more. We'll default it to 1 for activities and 0 for projects. Most often, you will not have to change the default for activities and you will have to change it for projects, unless you are doing research on the project without any contact with the city for that portion of the project.
  • Economic impact - we will include cost avoidance, revenue enhancement, and new investment such as for a fire truck or a water plant.
  • Multiple year economic impact - we will record if the impact is likely to continue for more than one year.
  • Actual - we will only record economic impact if the project is implemented by the city.

    After we have made the modifications to project reporting, we are going to go back into all projects from July 1, 2006 (I know we said we were going to use calendar year in the future, but not always). We will edit those projects to add the number of touches and to modify the way we record economic impact.

    All of this will make more sense after the project reporting system has been revised.

    Mary Jinks - We no longer report to Mary Taylor. Mary married Jack Jinks on January 1, 2007. Her name is now Mary H. Jinks. She's still the assistant VP in charge of IPS.

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