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01/06/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Dear IPS Staff,
During 2013 a team of new IPS employees implemented a complete overhaul of our orientation process. This was in response to our low score on the Employee Engagement Survey. Beginning last fall, once a candidate accepts a position with IPS, he/she receives an email from me with the welcome information that appears below, and a series of attachments which include the IPS Handbook, a summary of UT benefits, and organizational charts for UT and IPS. In addition, the UT System is beginning to review and update the first-day orientation for all new UT employees.
I want all employees to be aware of the new process so that you can respond accordingly on the next survey. Please feel free to ask any of our new employees what they think of our process. We are looking for continuous improvement. Happy New Year!
On behalf of the University of Tennessee and the staff of the Institute for Public Service, welcome to the team! We look forward to your work at (agency) as the (title) . This packet includes the IPS handbook, a summary of faculty and staff benefits, and other timely information that will help you to understand IPS and the University. This information should answer many of your questions about your work environment and benefits, and help you with contacts and further information that will make your transition pleasant and easy.
IPS also provides a fairly structured orientation process, with four steps intended to help you with your transition:
1. Typically new members of staff with the University of Tennessee start on Monday, and immediately participate in the UT orientation on their first day of work. You should have already received information on this orientation directly from the Human Resources staff. After orientation most new employees immediately obtain a University identification card and campus parking, if applicable. The staff at orientation will help you with directions for these step.
2. Following orientation with UT we ask that you join Judie Martin at the IPS Central Office for an overview of IPS. She will also introduce you to the members of the Central Office staff. Getting around the University can often be challenging, so please call us if you need assistance or directions:
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
3. After this briefing Judie will send you on your way to your “official duty station” at (agency) . The next day or within your first few weeks you will receive a more formal orientation on your agency.
4. And, you will meet the IPS Leadership Team in a formal overview that we schedule at least once per year. This will give you a great chance to meet other new employees and the executive directors of all IPS agencies. New members of the staff often mention that they most enjoy this opportunity to get to know the directors and to put faces to names on the Leadership Team.
I welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can improve our process to welcome new employees, and in advance let me thank you for what I know will be great work and service to IPS, the University and the people of Tennessee.

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