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01/06/2003 Executive News

Executive News

Welcome Back!! I've got to say it was lonely for those of us who worked last week. I hope you enjoyed the holidays and I'm sure you'll find the cities missed us too.

Project Listing - IPS asked us for a listing of projects we had done in the districts served by the new members of House and Senate. I used Project Reporting and then had help from all the consultants who had cities in the areas involved. It gives a very comprehensive view of all the different sorts of projects we handle for cities.
New members of House and Senate.doc
New members of House and Senate.doc
It's a long document, but I thought you would find it interesting.

Codes Production:

Steve, Sandy, Linda, and now Rachel have been busy. If you squint at the chart you can see that code updates have increased each year up to 75 for 2002. New codes and complete revisions taken together remain pretty constant and the charters project is winding down as we have done almost all the charters.

New Staff - Steve sent an email earlier welcoming Rachel Coykendall to the codes team. Rachel has a BS in Biology from UTK. Dr. Janet Kelly joins us today as the Bingham Visiting Professor for the Spring Semester. She will be located in the Knoxville office. Also, Marea Herrington started Thursday, January 2 as an intern in the Knoxville office. She is almost finished with her MPA from UTK. She will be working 20 hours a week during the Spring and will work full time during the Summer. To put everyone into context, here is a PowerPoint copy of our current organization chart with all the new names.

Statewide courses attendance - and while I'm doing graphs, here are the totals for our statewide courses for the last four years. Thanks to Sally, Jennifer, and a cast of dozens who made this trend up so fast.

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