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01/05/1995 Executive News

Executive News

Congratulations - Tracy Gardner recently took and PASSED (first time she took it) the Certified Professional Secretary test!

TML Roundtables - In February we are going to conduct four roundtables during the afternoon of February 6, the first day of the TML Legislative Conference. That much is certain. What hasn't been decided is the subject of the roundtables. I've asked Ronnie Neill to coordinate the roundtables. Please Email Ronnie or me with your suggestions. Thanks.

Staff Meetings - Remember we have a video staff meeting next week on Tuesday, January 10. Part of the agenda includes Smiley Clapp from CIS who will explain how CIS can help a Mayor who has a local industry with a problem. We start at 9:30 eastern and 8:30 central.

Video staff meetings are also scheduled for February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9, and June 13. The second half of the video meeting on February 14 will be devoted to a discussion and review of the model drug testing policy for vehicle operators. MikeT and Rick will lead the discussion. It will be primarily for management and legal consultants; everyone else can leave early unless you're really interested.

Intern News - Janie Reed will start work with the Blount County Natural Resource Conservation Service on January 16. CTAS is going to hire an intern later this month to work in the MTAS Knoxville office for Chris Garkovich on a project to assemble a desk manual of all the information, rules, and regulations applying to solid waste.

Sick Call - The MTAS grapevine is so efficient you may already know all of this.

Jim Finane returned from his Christmas ski trip to West Virginia with a broken leg. He's at work on crutches.
Mark Pullen is doing much better. His operation just before Christmas was a success. He hopes to be working full time in Jackson February 1. In the meantime, he continues to work the phone and modems. He assisted at a meeting at the Bartlett city hall yesterday.
Ray Crouch is resting at home. His doctors say he has a problem with his vagus nerve that causes a drop in blood pressure. He's been given the green light to return to work Monday, but on a somewhat reduced schedule.
Becky Crowder is home with son James and plans to return to the office February 15.

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