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01/04/1999 Executive News

Executive News

First a calendar note: Please mark March 22, 23, and 24 for the MTAS retreat. We will return to Wears Valley.

Now, we've had so much going on lately, particularly with personnel, that I thought I'd do a special update.

Mike Pentecost - Mike has been ill and in the hospital in Martin. He has moved from ICU to a private room and now on Monday afternoon to home.

Jim Leuty - His official last day of work was December 31. Jim is now retired. As you know, we are planning a reception for him later in January.

Joe Muscatello and Carol Hewlett - Both Joe and Carol picked today (January 4) as their last day of employment. They went all over campus saying good bye as a duo. It didn't make it any easier for them or for us.

Chris Willis - Chris has accepted a job with the University of Virginia in project management. It was an offer he felt he could not pass up. His last day with MTAS will be Friday, January 8.

We will dearly miss all five and my goal is to find people as good as they were to take their place.

Sally Thierbach - Now for the good news. Sally Thierbach has transferred to the position of Training Consultant. She will do an excellent job both with our customers and helping all of us with our professional development. We conducted our regular recruitment process, received over 30 valid applications, interviewed five, and selected Sally.

The only drawback is that she does such a good job as administrative manager, but that's a problem I'm willing to accept because of all she can do as training consultant. We'll start the recruitment for a new administrative manager soon.

Recruitments - We will do interviews early in February for two management consultant positions (one to replace MikeP and one to replace Joe). We will advertise soon for the administrative manager position and the finance consultant position (to replace Jim Leuty). We are waiting just a little bit to recruit for Chris Willis' position. I plan to wait a couple of months to start the recruitment for Carol Hewlett's position. I'd like to redesign the job and in the interim I plan to find a librarian to fill the position temporarily. And in February or early March, we will start the recruitment for the two new management consultant positions.

Let me know if you have any questions or know of anyone who might be interested in any of our many openings.


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