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01/03/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Performance Review - It is time to complete your annual performance review form. You'll find it in the APR database . <=== Click here to go to the database. Just be sure you are completing the form for 2001. It will include your report on accomplishments for 2001 and your plans for 2002. Please complete your form (and email me and your supervisor that you are done) a week before your APR interview is scheduled. Remember the schedule:

ecblank.gif Jackson Nashville Knoxville
Annual Performance Review Interviews January 28 January 29 & 30 January 22 - 25

CTAS - Mike Garland, currently assistant director, has been named interim executive director for CTAS to replace Rodney Carmical who retired December 31, 2001.

AnnO - or more properly - Ann O'Connell, attorney-at-law, has resigned from her temporary position in our Nashville office to become an attorney with Nashville Metro Legal Department. Her last day with MTAS will be Friday, January 11.

Legislative Session and TML Support - As you know the General Assembly convenes at noon on Tuesday, January 8. We will be working with TML more closely this year. Dennis will be in the middle of a bill review process that he and Mike have developed with TML. In addition, Don Darden will be working in Nashville as our TML liaison this year. Ralph did this ably last year; now it's Don's turn. So, if Don or Dennis call you for help with information about a bill during the next several months, please respond quickly. Thanks.

The loneliest men in town - Al had AnswerLine duty on the Friday before our Christmas break and Gary had the duty on New Year's Eve. Al had no calls, but Gary had one. We thank them for standing by.

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