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01/03/1997 Executive News

Executive News

New Staff - Please join me in welcoming Ms. Kris Silver to MTAS as a new municipal management consultant. Kris is going to take Kirk's cities in the northern part of the middle of the state and Kirk is going to take Becky's old territory in the southern part. Of course since Kirk has been working with the entire middle area since Becky left early last year, he really is just giving up half his current area. Kris has valuable experience and will be a real asset to MTAS. Her two most recent positions were six years as Village Manager of Jonesville, Michigan, and four years as assistant to the city manager of Junction City, Kansas. Kris starts with her orientation in Knoxville on Monday January 6 and will be in the Nashville office after that.

Project Reporting - Our goal is to have all of the month's work entered into project reporting by the 10th of the following month. Some of our reports are done by calendar year, so please have all your material entered. . . because this month started with a holiday our goal will be to have all of December and all of 1996 entered by Friday January 17! For many consultants, this will be easy and for the rest if you. . . it's time to get with the program.

While you're working on project reporting, please close all projects possible. This should include all of the administrative, computer training, and professional development projects. Just open new ones when this kind of work comes up again in 1997.

Annual Performance Review - Remember the annual performance review form is in a Notes database this year. The consultants portion of the form is to be done by January 17.

Happy New Year - This could be a very good year for MTAS. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am.

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