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01/02/2018 Executive News

Executive News



Wow, what happened to 2017? Wherever that time went, I enjoyed it, but it’s gone now and I’m looking ahead to a new year that is full of fresh possibilities and opportunities. I began the year at a Jimmy Buffett concert in Nashville. The sage Mr. Buffett brought in the new year singing “Growing Older but Not Up.” Here is the chorus stanza:

I'm growing older but not up
My metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck
So let the winds of change blow over my head
I'd rather die while I'm living then live while I'm dead

So, for your new year, I wish you lots of living!

Speaking of living, let’s celebrate the lives of folks with birthdays. Since the last Mustard that covered the news for the week ended December 15, there have been a few birthdays:

December 16 was Jeff’s birthday
December 21 was Rick’s birthday
December 23 was Armintha’s birthday
December 30 was Nancy’s birthday

2018 is going to be a terrific year. We started today by welcoming to the MTAS family a new member - Angie Carrier. Angie is filling the management consultant position for East TN. She comes to us with a lot of experience, enthusiasm and energy. Please welcome her to the team.

Also, as you travel around this year, please remember to gather the hotel toiletries you don’t need/use. I’ll collect them and give them to James, our building custodian in Knoxville who takes an annual mission trip to Nicaragua and gives the donation to folks in need in South America. I’d love to load him down with a suitcase or two of those little bottles and bars of soap, shampoo, conditioner and lotion. If you would, please put a bag or box in your break room with my name or James’ name on it and I’ll make sure he gets the supplies. Thanks for your consideration.

I’ll leave you with an update on the biennial customer satisfaction survey. While the report I have is still in draft form, I’m happy to share that our highest score came in response to the question: “How USEFUL was the information or service provided to you by MTAS?” 90.17% responded “Very Useful.” Our largest gain (a 22% increase) over the 2015 rankings on the “Extraordinary” scale came from the question “When you have a problem, describe the level of EFFORT made by MTAS to assist you.” Way to go MTAS!

Here’s to a phenomenal year in front of us,

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