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Order of Business

Reference Number: MTAS-1007
Reviewed Date: 06/28/2022

1. Mayor: The meeting will come to order. (The mayor determines if there is a quorum present. The recorder enters in the minutes the names of those present.)

2. The recorder will read the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes are read. Are there any corrections to the minutes? Corrections are suggested without a motion or vote if there is no disagreement. If there is disagreement, then the elected official motions to amend the minutes. Otherwise the mayor states: If there are no (further) corrections, the minutes stand approved as read (as corrected).

3. We will have the report of the officers (such as a financial report by the recorder), boards, standing committees, and special committees. A motion is made to adopt the financial report. If a committee report contains a recommendation, the reporting member (usually the chairman of the committee) moves that the recommendation be adopted. Otherwise, the report is filed without action.

4. Is there any unfinished business? This is sometimes referred to as "old business" but the proper term is "unfinished business" and includes such things as second readings of ordinances. Action is completed on any business not settled when last meeting was adjourned. If there is no unfinished business, the mayor states there is no unfinished business and moves right into new business.

5. After the unfinished business...Is there any new business (ordinances on first reading, regulations, resolutions)?

a. Any council member may introduce an ordinance, resolution, or regulation.

b. Ordinances on first reading are usually read by caption only, with the introducer explaining the contents.

c. Ordinances on second/final reading should be read in full. Charters or by-laws of some municipalities may prohibit the amendment of certain ordinances after second reading. Any changes or amendments otherwise are offered at this time. By charter, some cities are required to pass ordinances on three readings. Each new ordinance, regulation, or resolution is read, discussed, adopted, postponed, referred to a committee, or otherwise disposed of before the next one is proposed.

6. After all the business is completed...Is there anything for the good of the order? This is the opportunity for elected officials to make any announcements or informal observations about the work of the municipality.

7. If there is nothing further, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. A member states: I move to adjourn. The motion requires a second and majority vote. If the motion to adjourn fails, the meeting continues. If the motion passes, the mayor states: The ayes have it, and the meeting is adjourned.